..&Timed Ban:/ban -u $+ $?="How long should the ban last? (secs)" $1 3
..&Mass Ban:/ban $$* 3
..&Site MassBan:/ban $$* 4
..&Un Level 1 Ban:/ban -u1 $1 1
..&Un Level 2 Ban:/ban -u1 $1 2
..&Un Level 3 Ban:/ban -u1 $1 3
..&Un Level 4 Ban:/ban -u1 $1 4
.&Vote On This Person
..&Vote To Give OPs:/onotice The [C-Script] Voting Polls Have Been Activated! | /onotice Your Decision Is On Giving OPs To $1. | /onotice Type /msg $me YES To Vote Yes | /onotice Type /msg $me NO To Vote No | /onotice You Have One Minute To Vote! | /enable #VOTE | /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0 | /.timer 1 50 /wavplay $mircdirsounds\ding.wav
..&Vote To Take OPs:/onotice [C-Script] The Voting Polls Have Been Activated! | /onotice Your Decision Is On Taking OPs From $1. | /onotice Type /msg $me YES To Vote Yes | /onotice Type /msg $me NO To Vote No | /onotice You Have One Minute To Vote! | /enable #VOTE | /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0 | /.timer 1 50 /wavplay $mircdirsounds\ding.wav
..&Vote To Kick:/onotice The [C-Script] Voting Polls Have Been Activated! | /onotice Your Decision Is On Kicking $1. | /onotice Type /msg $me YES To Vote Yes | /onotice Type /msg $me NO To Vote No | /onotice You Have One Minute To Vote! | /enable #VOTE | /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0 | /.timer 1 50 /wavplay $mircdirsounds\ding.wav
..&Vote To Ban:/onotice The [C-Script] Voting Polls Have Been Activated! | /onotice Your Decision Is On Banning $1. | /onotice Type /msg $me YES To Vote Yes | /onotice Type /msg $me NO To Vote No | /onotice You Have One Minute To Vote! | /enable #VOTE | /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0 | /.timer 1 50 /wavplay $mircdirsounds\ding.wav
..&Vote for something else:/onotice The [C-Script] Voting Polls Have Been Activated! | /onotice Your Decision Is On $$?="What is the vote on?" $+ . | /onotice Type /msg $me YES To Vote Yes | /onotice Type /msg $me NO To Vote No | /onotice You Have One Minute To Vote! | /enable #VOTE | /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0 | /.timer 1 50 /wavplay $mircdirsounds\ding.wav
..&Last Chance:/onotice The [C-Script] Voting Polls Are About To Close! | /onotice Please Cast A Vote If You Have Not Already Done So! | /.timer 1 10 /wavplay $mircdirsounds\ding.wav
..&Tally Votes:/onotice The [C-Script] Voting Polls Are NOW CLOSED! | /onotice Stay Tuned For The Results! | /disable #VOTE | /echo 4 [C-Script] Voting Polls Results: Based On This --> %vyes <-- YES VOTES. %vno <-- NO VOTES. | /.timer 1 5 /onotice *** The [C-Script] Voting Poll Results: %vyes <-- YES! %vno <--NO! | /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0 | /unset %voters
..&Nick Ignore:/ignore -a $1
..&Address Ignore:/ignore -a $1 3
..&Kill:/kill $$1 $$?="Reason For Kill"
..&Nick Kline:/kline $$1 $$?="Reason for Kline"
..&Address Kline:/kline add $address($$1,3) $$?="Reason for Kline"
..&Candy:/say $me hands $$1 a handfull of 15,15.0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15. 115,15.21,9S0,3K0,4I1,8T0,10T0,4L0,3E1,9S15,15. 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15.3,0 15,15.5,5.5,4á40,5TootsieRoll4,44,4.5,5.15,15.10,03,0 15,15.15,5HERSHEY'S15,15. 15,15l4,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>15,15l
..&Hershey's Kiss:/say $me gives $$1 a BIG 15,15.15,5 HERSHEY'S 15,15. Kiss 2,8:)
..&Mice:/say It's so quiet in this channel, the mice run... | /say ~~16,14 (,,░░>áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ~~16,14(,,░░> áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ~~16,14(,,░░>
..&Tums:/say $me hands $$1 a roll of 15,15--12,12---0TUMS12---15,15--10,0 for the 4heartburn
..&Multi-Hug:/me gives $* a very warm hug {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ $* }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
..&Glue Down:/me gets some Cyber-Glue« and glues $$1 down to # !!
..&Welcome Back:/me warmly welcomes $$1 back!
..&Laugh at:/me laughs uncontrollably at $$1!
..&Play ASCII Art:/play $file="Pick a File to play" $mircdirascii\*.txt 100
.&Warning:/me warns $1 to watch their behavior or risk being kicked!
.&Chan Warning:/say ********** WARNING: $$1 ********** | /.timer1 1 2 /say ********** WARNING $$1 : IF YOU DON'T LEAVE THOSE BAD CHANNELS YOU ARE ON YOU WILL BE KICKED ********** | /.timer2 1 4 /say ********** WARNING $$1 : YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS ********** | /.timer3 1 46 /whois $$1
.&NoiseKick On:/.ruser $1 $+ ! | /.guser =98 $$1 3 | /notice # [NOISE KICK ACTIVATED] If $1 speakes on # , $1 will be kicked. | /notice $1 *{NoiseKick}* NoiseKick activated, if you speak on # , you will be kicked. So please be quiet...
..&Flooder:/me doesn't like flooders!!! | /.timer 1 3 /me thinks $1 should try flooding some other channel!! | /.timer 1 5 /kick # $1 BYE FLOODER!!!!!
..&ENRAGED:/me becomes ENRAGED with $1 's actions and GRABS $1 by the shirt | /say "HOW DOES THIS FEEL" | /me Catapults $1 out of the channel!! | /.timer3 1 7 /kick # $1 Call 911 you need it!
..&Op Beggers:/me has had enough of $1 's begging for ops!! | /say Sure you can have ops $1 .... IN ANOTHER CHANNEL | /.timer5 1 7 /kick # $1
..&Language:/me SsmellsS a foul odor coming from $1 's mouth | /me grabs a can of LYSOL Pine Scented Mist and Sprays $1 's mouth with it | /say "NOPE THAT DIDN'T HELP! MABY THIS WILL!!! " | /.timer5 1 2 /kick # $1 BYE STINKY!
..&Annoying:/say That's All I Can Stand Cause I Can't Stands No More! | /.timer5 1 7 /kick # $1 Annoy someone else!
..&Pick One:/kick # $$1 You were kicked because (4Pick 1) 1: 2you are a lamer, 2: 12you were anoying, 3: 4you flood,mass invite,or advertise, 4: 5chatting in a help channel... 5: 6asked about bots/prefab scripts ... 6: 7you stuck your finger in an electrical socket plugging in a battery ? 7: 10all the above
.&C-Script Ban Kicks
..&ENRAGED:/me becomes ENRAGED with $1 's actions and GRABS $1 by the shirt | /say "HOW DOES THIS FEEL" | /me Catapults $1 out of the channel!! | /.timer3 1 7 /ban # $1 3 | /.timer4 1 8 /kick # $1 Call 911 you need it!
..&Enemy:/me TAKES AIM UPON $1 ! | /.timer1 1 3 /me Whips the Cannon 3 degress right ...awww perfect | /.timer2 1 6 /say FIRE!! | /.timer3 1 10 /ban # $1 3 | /.timer4 1 15 /say MAN!, JUST GRAZED EM | /.timer5 1 20 /say FIRE 2!!!! | /.timer6 1 25 /kick # $1 DIRECT HIT!! | /.timer7 1 30 /say HEHEHEHEHEHEHE =-)
..&Action:/say # IS ALL TALK AND NO ACTION!! | /.timer1 1 5 /say LET ME DEMONSTRATE SOME ACTION TO YOU $1 | /.timer2 1 10 /ban # $1 3 | /.timer3 1 15 /say LIGHTS.... | /.timer4 1 17 /say CAMERA..... | /.timer5 1 20 /kick # $1 ****ACTION****
..&Language:/me SsmellsS a VerY foul odor coming from $1 's mouth | /.timer1 1 2 /me grabs a can of LYSOL Pine Scented Mist and Sprays $1 's mouth with it | /.timer2 1 3 /ban # $1 3 | /.timer3 1 6 /say "NOPE THAT DIDN'T HELP! MABY THIS WILL!!! " | /.timer4 1 7 /kick # $1 BYE STINKY!
..&Pick One:/ban $$1 3 | /kick # $$1 You were kicked because (4Pick 1) 1: 2you are a lamer, 2: 12you were anoying, 3: 4you flood,mass invite,or advertise, 4: 5chatting in a help channel... 5: 6asked about bots/prefab scripts ... 6: 7you stuck your finger in an electrical socket plugging in a battery ? 7: 10all the above